Household items such as plant stands can get pretty expensive when you buy them at a retail store… The Ozito version is less expensive, easy to make, and looks just as great inside your home or even out in the garden. The other bonus is that you can personalise the stand’s finish to your liking, whether through paint, stain, or oil. Andrew’s going to take you step by step on how to make your very own pot plant stand.

- SCMS-8STAND – 1800W 210mm Double Bevel Slide Compound Mitre Saw & Stand
- BJK-1010 – 1010W Biscuit Joiner
- PXMSS-700 – 18V Detail Sander Skin
- Clamps
- Measuring Tools
- Timber
- Timber Putty
- Safety Gear on hand
- The base: Two pieces of timber that crisscross (these can be cut from one longer piece).
- Pot holder: Four short legs that attach to the base (can also be cut into four from a one longer piece).
- Stand: Four long legs that attach to the four short .
- Find the timber you’d like to use for your Pot Plant Stand.
- Choose the height you would like your stand to be and mark this height on all four long legs of the stand. a. Quick tip: If you know where you’d like to put the stand, measure the indoor space or outdoor area.
- Measure the width of the pot’s base and add two times the measurement of the timber. Mark two pieces that equal this length. a. Reminder: These will be your crisscross pieces that are the base of the stand.
- Before cutting the crisscross pieces with your Mitre Saw, make sure it is in 90-degree cross cut mode (0 on the gauge). Using the Mitre Saw, cut the first two pieces of timber for the base. Don’t forget to lock off the saw for safety.
- Trench cut the two pieces to form the crisscross base. Measure half way down the thickness of the timber to find middle of each piece. Trench cut each piece the Sliding Mitre Saw to form two large grooves in the middle of each piece. a. Side note: The two pieces put together should look like a ‘plus sign’: +.
- Define the four short legs for the pot holder. Measure the angle of the pot (angle of the short leg on the pot). Then draw the angle on your short pieces of wood. Cut both ends of the short legs on the same angle. a. Reminder: Don’t forget to use the laser within the mitre saw to guide your cuts. b. Quick tip: Both ends of each short leg should be the same angle.
- Define the four long legs for the stand by repeating the same process as the short legs.
- Mark the centres of all short and long legs on both ends.
- Use the Biscuit Joiner to slice and dice, then join together your creation. Line the red line on the Biscuit Joiner up with the end of your timber. On all eight legs, cut two slots on each end (four slots per leg). Use the centres of the legs previously marked as a reference.
- On the crisscross pieces from the step five, cut eight slots per piece on each end (four on top, four on bottom).
- Glue the biscuits into each individual piece and attach the base to the small legs. Then attach the small legs to the large legs using the biscuits. Let this sit to dry for a minimum of thirty minutes.
- After drying, utilise some Timber Putty that is the same colour of the wood to putty off cracks and grooves. Use the Detail Sander to remove and level out any other imperfections.
- Almost done! Now your creation needs a finish. Take your pick of your favourite paint, stain, clear oil, etc. a. Side Note: Ozito’s spray gun is an excellent tool to put the finishing touches on pieces like this.
Voila! A gorgeous showpiece for your favourite plant this summer.